Enrollment Regulations

Enrollment Conditions and Date of Submitting to Faculty of Education
Diplomas and the degrees of Masters and PhD in Education
1- Diplomas
Public Diploma in Education
Enrollment Conditions
Getting the Licentiate or Bachelor Degrees
Period of study
(Full-time student: one year)
(Part-time student: two years)
Vocational Diploma
Enrollment Conditions
Getting the Public Diploma in Education, the Licentiate Degree in Arts and Education, Bachelor Degree in Science and Education, Licentiate Degree in Arts or Bachelor Degree in Science
Public Diploma for Preparing a Teacher in Arts or Science
Enrollment Conditions
Getting Licentiate in Arts and Education or Bachelor Degree in Science and Education with an estimation of Good at least;
(Period of Study: one year for full-time students and two years for Part-time students)
Private Diploma in Education
Enrollment Conditions
To get the Public Diploma in Education, Licentiate Degree in Arts and Education, Bachelor Degree in Science and Education, Vocational Diploma in Education or Public Diploma for preparing teachers in Arts or Science.
Private Diploma for preparing teachers in Arts or Science
Enrollment Conditions
Getting Public Diploma for preparing teachers in Arts or Science with an estimation of "Good" at least
Enrollment Date
Enrollment date for all diplomas is during July and August every Year.
2- Master's Degree
Master's Degree in Education
Enrollment Conditions
To get Private Diploma in Education with a degree, "Good" at least preceded by a university degree not less than "Good".
Enrollment Date Submitting is according to the date determined by the Faculty Council (Usually during September every year).
Master's Degree for Preparing Teachers in Arts or Science
Enrollment Conditions
Getting the Private Diploma for preparing teachers in Arts or Science with an estimation of "Good" at least
Enrollment Date
During September Every Year
3- PhD Degree
PhD Degree in Education
Enrollment Conditions
Getting the Master's Degree in preparing teachers in Arts or Science in the same specialization with an estimation of "Good" at least
Enrollment Date
During April Every Year