Department of Kindergarten


The department has to be more distinguished in the field of preparing the kindergarten teacher in accordance with international standards that suit the society


• Graduating a distinguished kindergarten teacher to develop required knowledge and skills in order to prepare an integrated child in the educational, psychological, health and physical aspects.

• Upgrading the level of vocational efficiency during the time of work and developing the educational research in the field of kindergarten studies.

• Serving the community and communicating with it in the field of kindergarten and providing all possible services in the field of child education.

  • • Academic preparation for students registered in the kindergarten division who got the secondary school degree

    • Providing the students with required information and experience to understand the nature of the child and his growth, and qualifying them to assume their educational duties in all the government and private institutions.

    • Training the students on modern teaching methods in this field and providing them with scientific modern training

    • Contributing to understanding the nature of kindergarten curricula, basics of kids' activities and modern knowledge.

    • Doing research and studies in this field which contribute to developing and updating education.

    • Training the kindergarten teacher during her work in order to upgrade the level of vocational efficiency.

    • Upgrading the vocational and scientific levels of the kindergarten staff.

    • Preparing specialists and leaders in all different fields of kindergarten.

    • Doing research and studies in different specializations.

    • Offering technical consult in this field.

    • Spreading educational awareness in kindergarten fields.

    • Integrating the character of the student and developing creativity.

    • Contributing to developing the educational thinking and spreading modern educational attitudes to solve environmental and social problems.

    • Exchanging knowledge and information with educational, cultural and international authorities and institutions.

    • Communicating with the specialists in the field of kindergarten at Faculties of Education and kindergarten divisions all over the Republic..