Strategic Objectives

The objectives are related to the policies and procedures of implementing the vision of the Faculty to achieve its mission: It can be done by the participation of the Faculty's community to achieve most of this vision through the previous message through the following policies and procedures to achieve its objectives:
1. Preparing pre-service teachers through:
• High quality programs
- In all specialties of general education from Kindergarten passing by the preparation of primary education teacher in all disciplines, and finally, preparing secondary education teachers.
- New divisions were created:
Commercial Teacher Division and Agricultural Teacher Division
A new study regulation was prepared for the Faculty, which was first applied in 2012-2013 in all disciplines upon the first year students to avoid deficiencies in teacher preparation programs and to keep abreast of developments in this field that witnesses successive developments.
- In the new regulation, new divisions were opened for the first time in the academic year, 2014 which are:
Special Education: (Mathematics, Science, Arabic, English, Social Studies and Computer)
Adult Education and literacy
In the academic year 2014/2015, a regulation of scientific subjects in foreign languages has been adopted. The articles of this regulation will be implemented starting from the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016. Preparing teachers should be considered as:
• . Competent to do his work
• Have the skills that enable them to explain his the subject and to interact with their students
• Do their best to create a democratic educational atmosphere in the class
• Help their students to get used to co-operative work and self-education
• Ensure the importance of thinking, planning ,solving problems and making decisions in the educational work and through school activities
• Committed to the regulations of their job and the customs of the Egyptian society
• To have Egyptian, Arabic, and international cultures that enable them to ensure the identity and openness to others
• To be able to use technology especially in their field
• Training the teacher during the period of teaching, spreading professional self-development trends among graduates and supporting the values of lifelong learning.
2- Active participation in shaping education policies in Egypt and implementing them through committees' membership on the regional and local levels, Special Centers and Units and preparing educational leaders, training and qualifying them.
3- Doing Educational research that produce educational knowledge, discussing educational issues and real problems that face Education and offering suitable solutions.
4- Offering consults and studies that participate in developing and updating education through interactive co-operation with Ministry of Education and schools that include all the levels of Educational system components such as Curricula and Teaching Methodology and Evaluation...etc.
5- Updating study systems and their programs in the light of international trends and local requirements that participate in upgrading the Faculty level of performance.
6- Dissemination of progressed educational thinking and modern teaching practices according to advanced mechanisms inside the environment and society.
7- Integrate technology in the fields of forming the teacher and educational research and upgrading its utility in the fields of Higher Education and Pre- University.
8- Providing research, advisory and developmental services to non-formal educational institutions, both public and private, to serve the school and society.
9- Participating in the preparation of faculty members in all disciplines of the University and institutions of higher education, a continuous educational configuration to enable them perform their role efficiently.
10- Dissemination of job ethics among faculty members, students and employees, and educators according to an ethics charter to which all are committed.
11- Adopting the concept of comprehensive quality and applying it within the faculty through paying attention to self-evaluation culture, practice, follow-up and preparation for external evaluation, that all this is an input to achieve comprehensive quality and continuous development.
12- Considering accreditation process as a national and popular official union at Faculty of Education, its mission and performance in the various fields mentioned above.