Admission Regulations

1. The program of teaching in foreign language (English- French- German) is set up with paid fees in the following specializations: (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geology) at Faculty of Education, Tanta University.
2. Study in this program includes teaching scheduled subjects in the internal regulation at Faculty of Education, Tanta University, in Arabic and Foreign language (English- French-German). Teaching the scientific specializations, curricula of teaching methods of the specialization and practical education is in one of the foreign languages; educational and human subjects are lectured in Arabic according to the regulations set by the Faculty Council.
3. Study in one of the foreign languages starts by the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University Council.
4. The councils of concerned scientific departments determine the scientific content of the curricula in accordance with the internal regulations of the Faculty as well as the references and teaching staff.
5. The Faculty Council shall determine the number of admitted students annually in the first class of the Faculty, provided that the necessary procedures are taken for the admission of students directly from the Coordination Office.
6. The student must get at least 75% in the foreign language according to the division to which the student applies (English, French or German) in the secondary school or equivalent.
7. The priority of students admitted to the program is determined according to the total number of degrees obtained by the student in the general secondary exam plus the degree obtained in the foreign language according to the division to which he\she is submitted to(English, French or German) plus the high level degree in the foreign language.
8. A decree issued by the Faculty Council with the procedures and admission dates according to the proposal of the Executive Committee for supervising the Program of Teaching English for scientific Divisions.
9. Study in this program is regular. To perform the exam, the percentage of attending lectures in each subject is not less than 75%. Students who do not meet this percentage are submitted to the Executive Committee of the program to make a decision about them.
10. The student bears the cost of books.
11. Concerned department councils distribute lecturing tasks and form committees of applying the exams and correction and inform the executive committees to supervise the program of teaching in English language for submission to the Faculty Council.