
In view of the need for primary, preparatory and secondary schools and experimental schools for teachers specialized in teaching mathematics and science in English, the Faculty has opened new divisions in English with fees of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geology. Study in this program started in the academic year 2015\2016. The first class will graduate this year 2018\2019 God willing.
Admission Conditions for the New Divisions•
• • The student must be from the scientific branch in high school ( science-mathematics)
• The first foreign language must be English. It is a condition to get 75% at least in it.
• The student must get 75% of the degree of the subject eligible for admission to the divisions (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geology).

Study at the New Divisions
Study is in English for all the academic subjects, teaching methods of the specialization and practical education. Teaching educational and cultural courses is in Arabic in accordance with the regulations approved by the Executive and Higher committees of the program.
Tuition Fees
Eight thousand pounds, the student has the right to pay them in two installments at the beginning of each semester, in addition to the cost of the educational books.
The study will be in English for all the academic subjects, Teaching is to be performed in Arabic for the educational and cultural subjects according to the regulations set by Executive Committee and the Higher Committee..